
AMP: Annual Marketing Plan

AMP: Annual Marketing Plan

The key to building trust online is developing a plan that puts your clinic or spa where your ideal clients already congregate on the web. ...more

Marketing ,english

March 06, 20232 min read

La cara de tu clínica o spa: tu sitio web

La cara de tu clínica o spa: tu sitio web

El sitio web es mucho más que tu tarjeta de presentación, es el lugar donde concurren tu clientes actuales y potenciales, donde se informan, interesan y entretienen mientras que están listos para conc... ...more

Marketing ,website &español

March 06, 20233 min read

The face of your spa: It's your website

The face of your spa: It's your website

The website is much more than your business card, it is the place where your current and potential clients meet, where they are informed, interested and entertained while they are ready to make an app... ...more

Marketing ,website &english

March 06, 20232 min read

Remove Wrinkles: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Remove Wrinkles: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The goal of your marketing campaigns is to be perceived as the best option in the eyes of your ideal customers. ...more

Marketing ,english

March 06, 20233 min read

Increases: Grow your audience and improve the appearance of your site with content

Increases: Grow your audience and improve the appearance of your site with content

The content that is considered by Google to be the most useful and interesting for people is the one that reaches the top of the results. But what makes a blog or article useful and interesting? ...more

Marketing ,english

March 06, 20233 min read

Injections of offers, promotions and contests.

Injections of offers, promotions and contests.

Offers, promotions and monthly contests will be the basis for the rest of the Digital Marketing tactics. ...more

Marketing ,Social Media &english

March 06, 20232 min read

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