
Increases: Grow your audience and improve the appearance of your site with content

Increases: Grow your audience and improve the appearance of your site with content

March 06, 20233 min read

“If you build a great experience, customers will recommend it to others. Word of mouth is very powerful.” - Jeff Bezos

Increases: Grow your audience and improve the appearance of your site with content

Content is king, a typical phrase in digital marketing. And that's because if you want to attract prospects to your website, the best way to do it is by providing them with the information they are looking for and the one that catches their attention.

The content that Google considers the most useful and interesting for people is the one that reaches the top positions of the results. But what makes a blog or article useful and interesting?

If you imagine yourself in the shoes of your potential customer again, you will surely want to learn more about the treatment you are considering, its benefits, duration, risks, recovery times, results, etc.

Blogs, articles or videos that address these topics in an original and clear way will be preferred not only by search engines but also by prospects who will continue to come back for more, forging a relationship with your clinic or spa.

The goal is to provide them with information that educates them, and by doing so, they will recognize you as an authority on the topic and will prefer you when they make their purchase decision.

Search engines love content that real people read, save, and share on their social networks. The one that is talked about and commented on the internet. Below are the best practices used to create this content:

  • The content must be original, with your own voice or style. In fact, Google can detect duplicate content and may penalize your site with invisibility. Not posting anything is better than posting duplicate content.

  • Your content may vary in length, but you typically need at least 700 words to provide the proper detail.

  • You need a title that generates curiosity and sparks interest. Lists work well, for example: The 5 secrets to rejuvenate your skin without surgery.

  • Include your primary and secondary keywords in titles, subtitles, and paragraphs of your articles naturally and without exaggeration (3 keywords for every 100 in your article is a good ratio).

  • Write using short paragraphs, headings, bullet points, and leave white space as a visual break.

  • Use relevant images, graphics, and videos.

  • Include internal links to other articles or sections of your website that are relevant to the topic.


In addition to having quality content, it's necessary to have quantity. We've all heard the old adage that the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago and the second-best time is today.

This saying also applies to your blog - if you're not already generating content, start today and you'll see results in the medium term.

The most important thing is to consistently publish content. This trains Google and your followers to visit your website frequently to see what's new, and it forges a lasting relationship with both.

One way to generate ideas for developing content is to review the questions that appear at the end of Google search results when looking for the treatments you offer in your clinic or spa.

When creating content with the answers, keep the text of the question - this will make your content appear when someone asks that question on Google. It happens all the time!

As with the Annual Marketing Plan, digital marketing tactics reinforce each other, and as you'll see in the section on offers, promotions, and contests, topics for developing content come naturally from your plan.

But before getting there, I'll tell you how to bring visitors to your website with another digital marketing tactic: pay-per-click advertising.

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